The classroom portion of Scott's course was nearly identical to the first one I took.  A number of the more experienced jumpers were taking the course with me - both Nick & Ostrich were there! This made me feel better about taking the course for a second time.  These guys had a bunch of jumps and they felt the could benefit from a refresher course.

The weather was cooperating and we were able to exit between 7,600 & 8,100 feet. Unlike the course in DeLand, there was plenty of time to practice what we were learning in class.  I got to practice multiple flares, braked turns, stalling my canopy, and on the last jump we did a long spot. Basically, we got out far from the drop zone.  Our goal was to make it back using the techniques Scott taught us during the class.I went into full brakes and held them down until I knew that I could make it back to the landing area. My arms were shaking! 

On a positive note, I had two stand up landings and Scott used one of them as an example of what someone did right!  Nick even wrote in my log book: This landing will be our little secret xoxo.

Still not perfect, but I feel like I am improving!