Wedding InvitationAfter months of working on the invitations, most of them are ready to mail!  It took sacrificing a beautiful day of skydiving to get the bulk of them finished, but the satisfaction is worth it. We are on our way to the post office now to send out the first batch - over 80 of them!

We've asked people to RSVP by May 12th, but I hope we start hearing from people right away because I'm very impatient!

In other news, Matt and I have decided to move to Richmond and I've signed a contract to buy a house. A bunch of things brought us to this decision. When I didn't hear back from the bank regarding the short sale house in Germantown, I took it as a sign it was time to leave the area.  It's such an exciting time for us, but it's complex because he doesn't start working until after our honeymoon.  

Our closing date is May 21, 2010. We are hoping that we have the bulk of our things moved in to the new house before our wedding, but we need to leave plenty of things in Maryland until the end of the school year.  

Such an exciting time in our lives!