While I was in Florida, I registered for a packing class given by a man named Khan. Khan was in charge of the paid packing area at Skydive City.

Since working with Gigi, a number of people had helped me with packing including Dennis and Tres at Orange.  I also borrowed an old rig from Ned and worked on packing by myself at home.  Now, I had a better understanding of the basics.  

During Khan's course, I learned more about gear maintenance and some additional packing techniques. Khan started with the CAT E requirement - open parachute orientation.  I had already completed the CAT F requirement - packing with assistance.  So, Khan moved the requirements for CAT G requirement - packing without assistance.  However, I am PRETTY sure he was spying on me just to make sure I didn't mess up!

After he showed me how to replace the main closing loop, Khan taught me how to disassemble, clean, and reassemble a three-ring riser release system. Understanding how your gear works, makes every thing a little less scary.

By the end of the day, I had completed the gear / packing requirements for my license!  Yay!  One step closer!